I notice that GitHub build 1.0.1-187-gfa6a856 has a button that sends whatever word is highlighted to the main window. That's an excellent and useful feature; thank you.
It would be really useful if a similar feature would copy a word to a dictionary that the user could create and add to during a session.
At present, if I meet a new word that is not defined in any of the installed dictionaries, I have to:
a) make a note of the word and its definition, then
b) go to a separate text editor such as Notepad to create a source file for my own dictionary containing that definition, then
c) go to a separate editor (such as StarDictEditorPortable.exe) to turn the source file into a dictionary file, then
d) copy that dictionary file into the correct location, then
e) tell GoldenDict to index it and add it to the list of dictionaries, groups etc.
That's worth the effort when there are lots of words to be defined, but it's a lot of work to add a single word to an existing dictionary.
I know that that would be a non-trivial programming task to add such a feature, but it would be really useful to be able to create definitions of words as soon as we discover them, and to store and/or modify them at once.
Obviously, we can't hope to edit lots of different dictionaries in this way, but it might be possible to have a single dictionary with special status, purely to contain the user's own "jottings" until they can be transferred into "proper" dictionaries in bulk.
To reduce the programming task, it could be understood that this special dictionary would have the simplest possible format, with just the word and its definition: anything more complex than that could be added to "proper" dictionaries in the normal way.
What do you think?