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General discussion


Postby veole » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:58 pm

There are morphology dictionaries, so when you look for a word, it also displays the main word. Search for the English word "gone", and both "gone" + "go" results are displayed.

There should be some kind of basic morphology for the search panel too:

1. If search for the word "backmarker", some dictionaries list it as "backmarker", others as "back-marker" and others as "back marker". I have to click every entry in the panel to display the results, and it's not possible to show them at the same time. Also: "one /two" vs "one/two"; "él" vs "el"; "P.S." vs "PS" vs "PS." vs "P S"; etc. Words punctuated differently can have different meanings and entries inside the same dictionary.

2. Some dictionaries list derived words (like idioms) inside the main word article, while others create separate articles for each word. If I search for the word "go", some dictionaries list "go in" inside the main "go" article, while in others you have to look and click for "go in". The main word does not need to be the first word, If you look for "away", derived words are "rot away", "go away", "run away".

3. In a monolingual dictionary, you can double click any word, and it shows the result in the dictionary you are using (if the word is listed), skipping other dictionary results and jumping to the current one. When you are using a bilingual dictionary, like English-Spanish, the results panel show words in both languages. But article entries are only in English language, so if you double click a Spanish word, it will not find it in the English-Spanish dictionary, because its listed in the Spanish-English one. The results window will jump to the beginning (first dictionary that has your word) and you will have to scroll down back to the Spanish-English dictionary.

I'd like Goldendict to have 3 new options:

1. Display unified results for words that look almost the same, but with space, slash, tilde, dash, point, etc. (unified punctuation)

2. Display unified results for derived words, your word and all entires that start with it or use it as the main word, and add other words. (unified root)

3. Link bilingual dictionaries with the same name with its opposite. So if you double click in Eng-Spa, it will try to show results for Eng-Spa and then Spa-Eng. (unified bilingual entries).

Options 1 & 2 could apply to any dictionary when you look up or double click a word from the results panel. So you if you double click "backmarker", but the article is listed as "back marker", the results panel stays fixed in the dictionary you are using. Or if you double click "él" it shows "él" + "el" (if both entries exist, or the closest one). Or derived words: click "away" and it shows "away" + "run away".

P.S.: And please, implement wild card (or Regular Expression) and full text search. There are lots of threads requesting it since more than 3 years ago.

Thank you.
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Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:09 pm

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