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Do expect a new UI or new functions of Goldendict!

Mobile version discussion

Do expect a new UI or new functions of Goldendict!

Postby dzungpham » Thu May 12, 2016 3:58 am

First of all, thank you-author very much for your amazing Goldendict.
I am a big fan of this application. I have used it everyday for studying new languages (like German, English, Korean) for nearly 5 years :). I do love it!
Secondly, I just wonder that maybe it will have any updates in the future? At least new functions like a translation head up when we copy any text :D (today I see Google announced a function like that for their Google Translator). I think it will be extremely interesting thing for the future update of Goldendict. Thank you very much!

Thank all guys for your reading :) Dankeschön! 감사합니다!
Have a nice day!
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2016 3:28 am

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