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startup time

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startup time

Postby pesgd » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:09 am

I don´t know how this has happened, but I´m getting significantly faster startup times with GD version 504...
I´m using passmark apptimer and I just got this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GoldenDict\goldendict.exe - 2 executions

The startup tooltip shows 442 dictionaries! (including the huge wikipedia aardicts files)
The one thing I know is that I have left unchecked all my dictionaries paths in the Sources dialog...

When I leave all the paths checked startup goes up to 19 sec. but only cca 100 more dictionaries will show up... :?

edit: ah well, I forgot that checkmark is meant to search the folders recursively. I think I need to tidy up the folder structure...
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Re: startup time

Postby Tvangeste » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:37 am

Yep, the directory scanning is a very expensive thing.

Also, I'd recommend not to use "sound dirs" feature, especially with huge amount of media files. Plus, do not store dictionaries' media content in plain directories, use * instead, that would significantly reduce the scanning and lookup times.

And and based on my experience, switching from hard disk to SSD shows very significant gains, especially during the first start, for me that means less than a second of startup time, compared to a dozen or so.
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Re: startup time

Postby pesgd » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:51 pm

I think another thing that has made my startup fast is that I have put together in the same folder all the single-file dics, but I´m still doing tests. SSD is not an option for me atm :/
Posts: 56
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:10 am

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